KILLASON / marcus - 3RD gEnEration

wanted SINCE
2012 - third generation
New style, Afro Bboy
Marcus Dossavi-Gourdot aka KillASon is a dancer and rapper from Paris. He met Wanted Posse in the suburbs, where he grew up. He was 8 years old at that time when he became closer to the crew, which allowed him to discover the Parisian hip-hop universe. After 10 years of battles, competitions, shows or else, he joined Wanted Posse in 2012. Now a Parisian resident, Killason works on various artistic projects both in dance and rap. He dances hip-hop “New Style” and his style mixes vivid gestures and radical changes of energy.
a family history
Killason’s parents are both dancers, which is why he discovered the world of dance at his earliest age. He shared unforgettable moments with the members of Wanted Posse during the SDK 2007 and then found his place in the dance company.