noxson / phynox - 3rd generation

wanted since
2012 - third generation
Break Dance
Noxson has been dancing for eight years as an expert in breaking. He started with the crew “Haute Tension”, which comes from Brittany, and joined Wanted Posse in 2012. Here is a glimpse of his victories: Winner “Juste pour rire” Festival Canada 2011 / Winner Battle of Angentan 2011/ Winner Break the floor Summer Show Elysée Biarritz for TraceShow / Juste Debout Bercy / Creation for Festival “Haute tension” with Spoart (dance company).
noxson AND buanson
Coming from Lorient (Bretagne), Noxson discovered dance with a friend. Both of them practiced and worked on their styles together. Then, he met Junior / Buanson, who he trained with in Paris. He joined Wanted Posse thanks to his “dance fiber”.